What's on our minds

Welcome to the AUDE World

If you've found yourself here, then we may have something in common.

In the AUDE world, we look to do things a little different. We are passionate about people, and ideas, and animals, and beauty, and the earth, and creativity, and some of that has manifested into our love for bold and energetic fine jewellery—symbols to remind us of our selves; totemic vessels to connect ourselves to the universe; talismans to protect, to support, & to guide us. In the AUDE world, we strive to live a little better today than yesterday.

So what will these pages of musings have to offer you?

At our hopeful best, a handful of relatable subjects, thoughts, feelings, and a handful of our favourite pieces of art, writings, astrology, film and tv, music... whatever happens to be on our minds.

At our very least, perhaps a good book recommendation or a tv show worth binging.

Whatever the case, if you find yourself here, thanks for following along.

